One thing is clear, Juan Pablo has a type. Bachelor Bios were released today, and let me tell you that Christmas has come early! Juan's got so many brunette babes to choose from that I'm pretty sure he'll get them confused until there are five left.
There are just oh so many glorious observations to be made about this season's ladeez, where to begin? We've got a few weeks to go until JUANuary 5th (yes, it's a two-night premiere starting on a Sunday. Set your DVRs accordingly. This has been a PSA.), so I think I'll start with some general observations and then break it down by my favorite (read: scariest, most fascinating, worst-date-ever) ladies.
This week I'll give you my top five observations from perusing the bios:
1. "Home Alone 2" (yes, the one in New York, and the better one in my opinion) and "The Notebook" are top contenders as Favorite Movies. Everyone freaking loves the Notebook. Ladies, he's no Ryan Gosling.
2. Since when are "dog lover," and "free spirit" occupations? Get a job or a dictionary.
3. Juan Pablo likes a darker-skinned, brunette girl. The Blondes don't seem to have more fun...most of their bios were a snoozefest.
4. Dr. Seuss is the favorite author of at least two ladies. Only one of them is a school teacher. The other is a news reporter. Hmmm.
5. Producers asked, "Who is your favorite artist?" on the questionnaire. Now, I'm not a huge artsy person, but I'm not sure most folks would have a genuine answer to this. Perhaps this is why everyone and their mom said Andy Warhol
I leave you all with a collage of my thoughts. And I hope you'll be back soon to find out more about Juan's chicas. Don't forget that Grantland's "Right Reasons" podcast will give us even more to chat about next week!